Brrr! It’s Getting Cold Outside: Preparing for Winter with COVID

As people living in Canada, it’s commonplace to talk about the weather. “It’s a cold one out there, eh,” “This weather really gets into your bones,” and “It’s so hot you can fry an egg out there” are to be expected when riding on an elevator or making chit chat while standing in line as you wait to order a coffee. Approaching this winter season, I hear similar comments. What’s different though, is an accompanying sense of dread linked to the restrictions put in place to help slow the spread of COVID-19. Understandably. Here are a few suggestions that might help navigate the next few months. 

Give Yourself Some Compassion. Give yourself permission to grieve. In many ways, we have been doing that for the better part of 2020. It has been tough. There is no denying that. It’s okay to be sad and angry. Acknowledge and validate these feelings. Breathe in the pain of this past year and then breathe out loving kindness to those around you. 

Expect Things to Be Different This Year. Go into this season knowing it is unlike any other. Try to let go of the expectation that the holidays* and winter months need to look how they’ve always looked. Some experiences will run their normal course and some will not. Be open to new things and don’t worry about it needing to be a complete success. 

Practice Hygge. I have a co-worker that is all about Hygge. Come winter, she embraces the Danish lifestyle of coziness and contentment. Think of thick faux-fur lined knee high slipper socks, hot chocolate in a ceramic mug with marshmallows, the crackling of wood burning in a fireplace, a beige knitted blanket, snow landing on the outside window sill, a spiced candle flickering in its holder on the side table next to a favourite book. Perhaps, I just described your nightmare. It’s different for everyone and that is completely okay. Make that bowl of popcorn. Turn off the lights and watch that favourite movie. Bake cookies, bread or cook that nostalgic stew your gramma would make when you were a child. Spend some time in your workshop surrounded by the scent of lumber. Play board games within your household or D&D online with friends. Puzzle while listening to an audiobook. Draw or colour. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to enjoy the simple things in life. 

Buy Snowpants. There’s a Scandinavian philosophy that says, “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes.” From what we know in terms of safe socializing, being outside in small numbers is recommended. Put on that toque, buy snow pants, pull on warm winter boots, go to a second hand store to buy a winter jacket, put on layers. We know it’s going to be cold. Snow is expected. Being dressed for the weather will help you be able to be in the weather. A Swedish friend recently said to me, “If you wait for good weather in Sweden, you’ll never get out.” Experiment with challenging your idea of perfect weather by safely going for walks in the falling snow, grab that raincoat and rubber boots to navigate sleet and slush, wear lights on your jacket as you stroll beside your friend on those dark early mornings and evenings visits. 

My mind returns to the DBT skill of intentionally creating positive experiences. Pair this with radical acceptance of it is what it is and we might just get through this winter. One way or the other, spring will come. Crocuses and daffodils will emerge as the snow melts. 

*The holidays are not always experienced with joy and cheer. For many, it is lonely and difficult. Please reach out if you are in crisis by contacting Here 24/7 or visit your local emergency department. 

Exercise and Eating Disorders

Once a month, local researchers and professionals in the local eating disorder community come together to discuss research articles related to our field. The goal is to help bridge the gap that exists between researchers and therapists. The discussions that occur, even those bunny trails we inevitably end up on, are invaluable. We met earlier this week to discuss an article on physical activity and, specifically, anorexia. Over the course of our time together, the following themes started to emerge from our discussion time. Eating disorder or not, the following points are good reminders as we work towards building a healthier relationship with food, weight, exercise and our body!

#1 - Our Culture Praises Runners

Currently, we live in a culture where running is 'popular'. It is the latest 'in' thing.  There is this air of superiority that some runners feel over non-runners. As if they are more athletic or healthy because they run. How is one sport more superior than another? Perhaps, I'm a bit bias as my whole life, I've heard how the sport I love to play, is less superior than hockey. You like hockey? Great! I like Ringette... and guess what... we can co-exist without one being 'better' than the other.  Don't like running... no problem! Pick an exercise you enjoy doing, and be healthy about it. . 

It seems as though you can't just run these days... you also have to look the part, and buy all the 'right' type of clothing. Sure, there is a benefit (at times) of wearing certain types of gear... For example, a good pair of shoes is helpful in supporting your feet and wearing proper socks is helpful if you want to avoid blisters!  I'm not against fashion, but if 'looking' the part is more important than having fun while running (or exercising in general), it might be a good idea to take a step back and bring this realization into therapy.  It could be helpful to see a recreational therapist (with experience in eating disorders) as well.

#2 - Our Culture Doesn't Promote Listening to Your Body

On pintrest? Don't worry, I'm sure you've seen the many slogans that promote not listening to your body. Take the all too familiar, "no pain, no gain" slogan. Many people push themselves too far while exercise, which can lead to injury.  Many people, also, return to exercise after injury too quickly, which can result in prolonged or greater severity of injury. Our bodies need rest, our bodies need fuel. We need to start trusting our body's cues and to know our limits. 

#3 - Motivation is Crucial

Ask yourself, "why am I doing this exercise?" Is it for fun? Is it for health and wellness? Do I like it? I am enjoying it? If you have answered 'yes' to these questions, you're heading in the right direction for building a healthy relationship with exercise. If your motivation is to burn calories, to 'tone up', to lose weight or to rid feelings of guilt, someone else may be driver's seat and they definitely do not have your long-term health and wellness in mind.

Research has shown that exercise can be helpful for those struggling with depression and/or anxiety (two common issues in those who struggle with an eating disorder).  It can't be the only skill used to combat these issues. The last thing you want is to break your leg and not have any other method of managing your emotions. It's like investing money... it's never a good idea to put all your money into one stock.  If it crashes, you are at risk of losing more than the money you invested in. 

#4 - We Forget that Exercise is Movement

When we think of 'exercise', people often think of going to the gym, or heading out for a run. It's important to remember that exercise is movement. It includes all forms of  movements, such as: cleaning, sex, walking around on campus, playing the drums, chasing toddlers, travelling to and from the mode of transportation that gets you to work, vacuuming, mowing the lawn, gardening, playing frisbee, and so much more.  Don't discount how you are using your body throughout the day! 

#5 - Our Culture Encourages Tracking Data

From calorie counting, to how many footsteps you have taken in a day, our culture is obsessed with tracking data. For many individuals who struggle with exercise and eating issues, tracking data is often an area that needs to be challenged in order to get better. There is this thought that the more data you have, the better the work out is.  Huh? How does tracking one's steps validate whether or not someone has had a 'good' day versus a 'not so good' day? They are just numbers, just like the numbers on the scale. It can't tell you whether or not you had fun, or listened  to your body, or whether or not you fuelled your body in the healthy way. 

Now, I know individuals who collect data around exercise, and it is simply that... data. It is when the meaning of this data changes into something that controls you, or that takes the pleasure out of exercising, when it becomes problematic.  Exercise isn't always about beating your time or how many kilometres you travelled. There is so much more to see, taste, smell, hear and feel than simply our devices that inform us how far we have gone! 

#6 - Isn't Exercise Supposed to Be Fun? 

YES! It should be. We are likely going to continue doing the things we 'like' versus the things we don't like. Hate the gym? No problem! Hit up the trail by your house with a friend a few times a week. Not a fan of running? Try swimming, or rock climbing, or archery, or hiking, or scuba diving, or golf, or canoeing, or lawn bowling, etc. 

There's this part of me that knows some of you will be reading this and thinking, "why Karen, you run... it's easy for you to say to others who don't run that it's okay, while you're out there doing what society praises".  I'm an advocate of exercise WHEN it's done in a healthy, sustainable, enjoyable, non-ED driven, way.  There's nothing wrong with running in and of itself.  One individual may struggle with running, while the other struggles with walking. The point is to learn how to build a healthy relationship with exercise that is right for YOU and YOUR recovery. It's not about comparing or judges what people do. It's about looking at your motivation for why you are doing it, with the hopes of bringing it more and more in line with health and wellness. So, my question, why do you exercise?